Author: Deiana Abdel-Gadir | Staff writer


TikTok is changing the music industry

“Renegade.” “Old Town Road.” “Say So.” “Corvette Corvette.” You’ve probably heard at least one of these songs playing throughout the last year, and if not you’ve definitely been living under a rock — or maybe just oblivious to the new trend in music. All of these catchy tunes received their […]


Working from home is like living at work

Wake up, sit at desk, work, bed and sleep. Repeat. This is the daily routine for many hard-working citizens who began working from home 12 months ago when the coronavirus pandemic moved into the United States. The term “remote” would usually be inferred when mentioning vacations, but now the word’s […]


Florida expands eligibility for COVID vaccine

New, expanded eligibility rules for receiving  the COVID-19 vaccine will go into effect Monday. The new protocols will allow K-12 school employees, fire, and law enforcement officers ages 50 and older to receive the vaccine. Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis announced the new plans for the vaccine rollout and the expected […]


Expect to keep paying more at the pump

Gas prices are increasing all across the country, and they show no sign of coming down soon.  Harsh weather conditions halted oilproduction at many refineries, and with hundreds of thousands of power outages in Texas and other areas, consumers can expect the demand to eclipse the supply during the coming […]